AUP student taking a photo of the Seine during Orientation.


Renewing the Social Contract | Conference 2024

University Room: Omid & Gisel Kordestani Rooftop Conference Center (Q-801)
6 rue du Colonel Combes
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 - 09:00 to Thursday, December 19, 2024 - 18:00

Renewing the Social Contract

The Challenge of Inclusivity and Democratic Government in Social Contract Theory 

International Conference

Center for Critical Democracy Studies, The American University of Paris

December 17-19, 2024


December 17

CO3 Horizon Europe Consortium: Resilient Social Contracts for Democratic Societies

* Participants in the International Conference on December 18-19, are also welcome to attend the Consortium presentations


December 18-19

International Conference: Renewing the Social Contract: The Challenge of Inclusivity and Democratic Government in Social Contract Theory

Keynotes | Myriam Hunter-Henin (UCL), Albert Weale (UCL)


  • Stephen Sawyer |
  • Roman Zinigrad |
  • Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger |
  • Emilia Palonen |
  • Anna Björk |


Tuesday, December 17

CO3 Horizon Europe Consortium: Resilient Social Contracts for Democratic Societies

* Participants in the International Conference on December 18-19, are also welcome to attend the Consortium presentations


9h00-9h30 - Welcome & Coffee

09h30-10h45 - T2.1

  • Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger AUP | Overview of Social Contract Theories
  • Stephen Sawyer AUP | Sociological Social Contracts
  • Other proposals for T2.1

10h45-11h00 - Break

11h00-12h15 - T2.4

  • Cristiano Gianolla University of Coimbra | States, Empires, Post-colonialism and the Social Contract
  • Other proposals for T2.4

12h15-13h30 - Lunch

13h30-14h45 - T2.3 Polarization and the Social Contract

  • Emilia Palonen University of Helsinki
  • Szilvia Horváth University of Helsinki
  • Alexander Alekseev University of Helsinki
  • Pınar Uyan Semerci Bilgi University
  • Emre Erdoğan Bilgi University

14h45-15h00 - Break

15h00-16h15 - T2.2

  • Claudia Wiesner Fulda University & Ana Matan University of Zagreb | Social Contract in the European Union

16h15-17h30 - Discussion of WP2 // Links with WP3

17h30-19h00 - Break



December 18-19

International Conference: Renewing the Social Contract: The Challenge of Inclusivity and Democratic Government in Social Contract Theory

Keynotes | Myriam Hunter-Henin UCLAlbert Weale UCL


Wednesday, December 18

9h00-9h30 - Coffee

9h15-9h30 - Welcome remarks

09h30-11h00 - Parallel Sessions 1 & 2

  • Session 1. Social Contracts Revisited
  • Session 2. Post-colonial Perspectives on the Social Contract

11h00-11h15 - Break

11h15-12h45 - Parallel Sessions 3 & 4

  • Session 3. Social Contract in Non-ideal Conditions
  • Session 4. Alternative Social Contracts

12h45-14h00 - Lunch

14h00-15h30 - Parallel Sessions 5 & 6

  • Session 5. Les fondements du contrat social (in French)
  • Session 6. Social Contract in Crisis

15h30-16h30 - Coffee & discussion break

16h30-17h30 - Keynote

  • Albert Weale UCL | Political Contracts and Democratic Values: What Can Constitution Making Tell Us?

17h30-19h00 - Reception at AUP


Thursday, December 19

9h00-9h30 - Coffee

9h30-11h00 - Parallel Sessions 7 & 8

  • Session 7. Critiques des théories traditionnelles du Contrat Social (in French)
  • Session 8. Capitalism, Public Reason and the Social Contract

11h00-11h15 - Break

11h15-12h45 - Keynote

  • Myriam Hunter-Henin UCL | The Regulation of Religious Interests: A Test for the Resilience of Social Contract Theory

12h45-14h00 - Lunch

14h00-15h30 - Parallel Sessions 9 & 10

  • Session 9. Constitutional Norms and The Social Contract
  • Session 10. Capitalism, Democracy, and the Social Contract

15h30-15h45 - Break

15h45-17h30 - Session 11. Extending the Social Contract

17h30-17h45 - Break

17h45-18h30 - Concluding round table discussion:

  • Anna Björk Demos Helsinki
  • Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger AUP
  • Emilia Palonen University of Helsinki
  • Stephen Sawyer AUP
  • Roman Zinigrad AUP

Session Details

Session 1. Social Contracts Revisited
  • Chair | Annabelle Lever SciencesPo
  • Zachary Swirski McMaster University | Hegel’s Rabble and Nomadic Becomings
  • Fabien Lechevalier Université Paris-Saclay | Crafting the Future: A New Social Contract for the Digital Age
  • Olivia Custer AUP | Consent to the Social Contract in the Wake of #metoo


Session 2. Post-colonial Perspectives on the Social Contract
  • Chair | Delphine Dogot Université Catholique de Lille
  • Alnusf Marzouq Kuwait University | The Global Aspect in the Racial Critique of Social Contract Theory
  • Vanda Amaro Dias & Cristiano Gianolla University of Coimbra | The Articulation of Mythologies Through the Social Contract in Empires, Nation-States and Europe: Challenges to Democratisation in Modern Liberal Polities
  • Andrew Stewart Chapman University | Counterstories and the Social Contract


Session 3. Social Contract in Non-ideal Conditions
  • Chair | Emilia PalonenUniversity of Helsinki
  • Daniel Smilov Sofia University | The Concept of Social Contract in the Theories of European Integration
  • Ana Matan University of Zagreb | Realist Utopia for a Compound Democratic Community of States
  • Théophile Pénigaud Yale University | Engaging with the Non-ideal Behind the Veil of Ignorance


Session 4. Alternative Social Contracts
  • Chair | Zach Freig UC Berkeley
  • David Peters AUP | James Wilson’s Revolutionary Critique of and Alternative to Contract Theory
  • Kevin Leportier Université de Caen Normandie | Freedom, Crises, and Liberal Social Contracts
  • Clémence Pellissier Trinity College Dublin | The Social Contract versus Autonomy? A Study on Arendt’s Critique of Rousseau’s Theory
Session 5. Les fondements du contrat social (in French)
  • Chair | Mona El Khoury AUP
  • Clara Lucas Centre Émile Durkheim, ScPo Bordeaux | Le Contrat social jaune : Rousseau et les Gilets jaunes
  • Simone Leotta LIER-FYT/EHESS | Du nouveau sous l’ancien ? Le statut de la « religion civile » dans le Contrat social
  • Maude Vidal EHESS | Contrat social et norme fondamentale, Kelsen lecteur de Vaihinger


Session 6. Social Contract in Crisis
  • Chair | Stephen Sawyer AUP
  • Emilia Palonen University of Helsinki | Hegemony, Radical Democracy and the Social Contract
  • Pınar Uyan Semerci & Emre Erdoğan Bilgi University | Rethinking “Social Contract” in the Times of Polycrisis
  • Aviezer Tucker University of Ostrava | Panarchy: Non-territorial Contractarianism


Session 7. Critiques des théories traditionnelles du Contrat Social (in French)
  • Chair | Zona Zarić AUP
  • Léa Antonicelli SciencesPo | Une critique féministe intersectionnelle de l’utilité publique pour refonder un contrat social inclusif
  • Djamel Chikh UMMTO  | Le contrat social, une ambition universaliste et des écueils historicistes
  • Valentin Avenard Université de Nantes | L’État et les anarchistes : un contrat social impossible


Session 8. Capitalism, Public Reason and the Social Contract
  • Chair | Leora Dahan Katz Hebrew U
  • Tonci Kursar University of Zagreb | How to Restore Democratic Capitalism as a Social Contract? Controversies of Streeck’s Understanding of ‘Interregnum’
  • Ruzha Smilova University of Sofia and Centre for Liberal Strategies | Resilience, Social Contract and Democracy: Conceptual and Substantive Dilemmas
  • Cyril Hédoin Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne | Living in Disagreement: Public Reason and Jurisdictional Rights


Session 9. Constitutional Norms and The Social Contract
  • Chair | Roman Zinigrad AUP
  • Mohsin Bhat QMUL School of Law | Adjudicating Belonging: Citizenship and the Identity of the Constitutional Compact
  • Vandana Singh USLLS | Jurisprudential Foundation of Rule of Law through Prism of Social Contract Theory
  • Tamar Hostovsky Brandes Ono Academic College | Is solidarity necessary for democracy?


Session 10. Capitalism, Democracy, and the Social Contract
  • Chair | Mirjam Dageförde AUP
  • Peter Hägel AUP | Customizing Social Contracts for Consumer Society?
  • Anja Thomas Hochschule Fulda/University of Lille/EUI | A Question of the Underlying Social Contract? About the Differentiated Impact of Populism on Policy-Making in Proportional and in Majoritarian Democracies
  • Elijah Okpanachi Federal University of Lafia, Nigeria | Democracy in the 21st Century: Current Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for Democratic Governance


Session 11. Extending the Social Contract
  • Chair | Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger AUP
  • Nefeli Lefkopoulou Sciences Po | Renewing the Social Contract Through City Empowerment
  • Xhejn Xhindi Université libre de Bruxelles | Influences of Social Contract Theory in Bruno Latour: From Early Works to Politics of Nature
  • Oliver Feltham AUP | Locke’s state of nature as colonial practice: social contract and ecology