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Search results

  1. Internship Information Session

    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...

  2. Internship Information Session

    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...

  3. Internship Information Session

    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...

  4. Internship Information Session

    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...

  5. Platform labor: from 'digital labor' to 'labor publics'

    none Come along for part two of the Civic Media Lab Seminar Series 'Platform Swindles, Platform Struggles.' The series of conferences will bring together web professionals, platform managers, workers and users, associative activists, students, a ...

  6. From the theories of digital/audience labour, to digital class struggle

    none Come along for part one of the Civic Media Lab Seminar Series 'Platform Swindles, Platform Struggles.' The series of conferences will bring together web professionals, platform managers, workers and users, associative activists, students, a ...

  7. LinkedIn Workshop

    none With more than 467 million users, LinkedIn is one of today's richest free professional development resources. The Career Development Staff is organizing a workshop to help you navigate LinkedIn's resources, to learn the best practices for o ...

  8. Graduate School Info Session

    none Danielle Savage, AUP Director of Internship and Career Advising, will share some basic need-to-know information about the process of applying to graduate school, including: When to begin thinking about your plans. How to begin (and organize) your sea ...

  9. Teaching and Learning Center- Active learning projects with Hannah Westley and Russell Williams

    none More details to follow. 100 Related Links Teaching and Learning Center ...

  10. When Denial Becomes State Policy

    none The George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention is pleased to announce a guest lecture by Elżbieta Janicka on "When Denial Becomes State Policy: The Origins and Significance of the New Holoca ...
