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Search results

  1. The Work of the Center

    The George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights, and Conflict Prevention promotes innovative research, curricula, and pedagogies, in the hopes of reaching a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of genocide and ...

  2. Albi and its Region: Un Pays de Cocagne

    Led by Professors Elizabeth Kinne & Stéphane Treilhou AR1020 Materials and Techniques of the Masters CL2091A Topics: Worlds of Wine The Albi region, situated in the southern Massif Central, thrived as one of France's wealthiest areas during the M ...

  3. Fellowships, Grants and Scholarships

    The Center offers a number of fellowships, grants and scholarships to fund research and teaching on genocide and mass violence. Learn more at the links below. Fellowship & Grants Faculty, staff and students are eligible to apply for fellowships & ...

  4. Brussels & Antwerp: Media and European Flows of Influence

    Led by Justin McGuinness & Tanya Elder CM2004 Comparative Communications History CM5001 Global Communications GR5093 Global Workplace Cultures: Internship Seminar   Brussels, a pivotal city in European affairs, serves as the focal point of this enligh ...

  5. Narrative Matters 2025

    Submit A Proposal Download the Call for Papers Keynote Speakers Venue Accommodations & Restaurants ...

  6. Book Launch: American Fever- Selecting Supreme Court Justices

    Register Here Related Links More About the CCDS ...

  7. Boycotting German and Germany: Artistic Censorship and the Creation of Israel (1948-1967)

    This article discusses the artistic censorship of German and Germany in Israel between 1948-1967. During these years, with various fluctuations, the Israeli Film and Theatre Review Board, the agency in charge of artistic censorship, actively censored film ...

  8. Constitutional Overhaul and the War in Gaza: The Puzzle of Civic Mobilization in Israel

    Much has been written on the constitutional overhaul in Israel, and the attendant constitutional crisis in the first nine months of 2023. Since October 7, however, with the breakout of the Israel-Gaza war, the overhaul was seemingly shelved. This Article ...

  9. The Schaeffer Center’s Open House

    Welcome to the Fall semester at AUP! The Schaeffer Center is hosting their annually Open House event on September 17th at 5 pm to 7 pm in Q-709. This is an opportunity to learn more about the Center's work and how you can get involved!  The Center fu ...

  10. Past Events

    Past events May 2-4, 2024: Media Aesthetics: Experience, Practice, and Pedagogy   The media aesthetics project examines and engages the saturation of ordinary life by varieties of constant mediation, while also examining the diverse array of mediated expe ...
