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  1. Housing Office

    academically rigorous, career-enabling and transformative global liberal arts education. Life in Paris ...

  2. International Conferences & Workshops

    bring academics and practitioners together to discuss the mechanisms behind genocide, mass violence and ...

  3. Resources

    an Academic Discourse on Fashion Activism Through a Case Study on the Centre for Sustainable Fashion. ...

  4. Miranda Spieler

    Spieler joined the Department of History and Politics at the American University of Paris in 2013. After ... University of Arizona's History Department, where she received tenure in 2011. She is the recipient of ... Trepied, Pompidou Museum, Paris, 3 Nov. 2014. CV-revised-2024.pdf MA, MPhil, PhD, Department of History, ...

  5. AH3098 Internship

    AH3098 Internship Internships are commonly pursued ...

  6. AR3090 Junior Seminar

    AR3090 Junior Seminar The Fine Arts Junior ...

  7. AR4075 Portfolio

    AR4075 Portfolio Under the supervision of the ...

  8. BA3050 International Financial Markets

    BA3050 International Financial Markets Following ...

  9. CL2094 French Fiction Now: Traduire Le Roman Francais Contemp. Ce cours introduira les étudiants aux techniques et aux problématiques de la traduction littéraire ...

  10. CL3002 Word & Image: Lit. & The Visual Arts Looks at relations between language and visual form in the development of European modernism. ...
