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  1. Caverne du Pont d'Arc: Gastronomy and the Origins of Art

    none FirstBridge Courses Encounter the earliest human expression of painting: the cave art of the Grotte Chauvet, dating back some 35,000 years — created perhaps as a response to our species’ interactions with another human race, Homo Neanderthalensis. Vi ...

  2. Naples, Pompeii, Capri and Sorrento: Italian Splendors

    none IL1020 Elementary Italian II Spend three nights in Sorrento, one of Italy’s most ancient cities on the spectacular coast, south of Naples. From there take the boat to the Isle of Capri, walk through the narrow streets and visit Curzio Malapert’s hous ...

  3. Jura: Food, Culture and Communication

    none CM5076: Food, Culture & Communication Travel to the Jura Mountains in eastern France and follow Comté cheese from cow to consumption. Our objective is to gain an in-depth understanding of the French notion of terroir and its relationship to taste ...

  4. London and Stratford-Upon-Avon: Shakespeare in Performance

    none CL3038 Shakespeare in Context Immerse yourself thoroughly in the world of theater during this visit to London and Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare’s birthplace and home of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Travel to London by Eurostar train and onward by ...

  5. Rouen: Architectural Treasures

    none AH2012 Medieval Art & Architecure Rouen has a small city center that is within easy walking distance of the train station, and within this short radius one can see an enormous number of Gothic gems. The Cathedral of Rouen inspired 20 paintings by ...

  6. Venice: Art and Architecture

    none AR1020 Materials & Techniques of the Masters AR3091 Topics: Designing Drawing Machines Discover Venice, one of the most remarkable urban constructions ever built. Visit the masterpieces of the “city married to the sea.” The cultural treasures fou ...

  7. Taste of the Francophone World- Parc des Expositions

    none FR2091 La Gastronomie au Service du Pouvoir PARC DES EXPOSITIONS February 1 As part of the course on French Gastronomy, spend a day at the “Salon de la gastronomie des Outre-Mer et de la Francophonie”. Discover produce and cuisines from the French Ca ...

  8. Caen: War and Peace

    none PO5075: Ecole de Guerre Practicum This trip prepares students for the Ecole de Guerre Practicum. As a city terribly marked by the Second World War, theater of the Allied landings in 1944 where it was destroyed at 70%, Caen stands out today as a Memor ...

  9. Brussels and Antwerp: Communications History

    none CM2004B Comparative Historical Communication Over a long weekend in Belgium, explore the interface between media, culture and the nation-state. In Antwerp, at the Museum Plantin-Moretus explore the world of print. In Belgium and Europe’s capital Brus ...

  10. Burgundy: Architectural Treasures

    none AH2012 Medieval Art & Architecture CM2004B Comparative Historical Communication Known primarily for its fine wines, the Burgundy region is also the home of some of the greatest masterpieces of Romanesque architecture and sculpture. Explore the im ...
