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Search results

  1. AUP Gives Back Week- Migrant Justice Club


  2. AUP Gives Back Week- Stand Up To Cancer


  3. Grotte Chauvet II, Ardèche

    none HI1099FB1 Science, Society and Human Origins AH1099FB1 Art and Human Origins The creation of figurative cave painting is a milestone in human experience; the Chauvet Cave is one of the best-preserved painted caves as well as the oldest, with sections ...

  4. Doha: Politics and Culture

    none Participants were selected in December through an online application form. The Government Communication Office of the State of Qatar has offered to sponsor a trip to Doha for 11 AUP students. The study trip, Qatar: Politics and Culture, is designed t ...

  5. Rajasthan: Understanding Indian Diversity, Politics, Music and Culture

    none CM5001 Global Communcations AN1002B Socio-Cultural Anthropology AN2003 Political Anthropology CM1023B Intro to Media and Communications Studies Visit the complex cultural diversity of Rajasthan looking at how monarchy, religion and democracy coexist ...

  6. CANCELED- Cairo: Culture and Psychology

    none THE STUDY TRIP HAS BEEN CANCELED PY/GS2045 Social Psychology PY/GS3091A Topics: Gender and Health Explore the idea of culture as a form of collective identity and practices. Together with students from the American University in Cairo (AUC), take a o ...

  7. CANCELED- Sarajevo: Bosnia – Co-Existence After Conflict

    none THE STUDY TRIP HAS BEEN CANCELED CM2091B Special Topics: Co-existence and Religion For hundreds of years Sarajevo has been the place where cultures meet; Ottoman Muslim, Slavic Orthodox, Austrian Catholic, Ashkenazy and Sephardic Jewish. Thirty years ...

  8. CANCELED- London: Mind and Madness

    none PY1000 Introduction to Psychology PY2044 Clinical Theories What is madness? And how do we treat it? Wander through different places and times, each having a distinctive answer to the above questions. In our quest to understand different treatments of ...

  9. CANCELED- Jura Mountains: Comté Practicum

    none CM5076 Food, culture and communication Graduate Practicum This will be the 10th year that taste educator Claire Perrot and Professor Christy Shields — along with the support and collaboration of Comté cheese producers — introduce AUP students to the ...

  10. CANCELED- London: Economics and Finance

    none Economics Majors and Minors London has been one of the most important political and financial centers of the past several centuries. Today it is at the forefront of our rapidly changing world, with questions of globalization and deglobalization shapi ...
