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Search results

  1. CANCELED- Toward a Sociomaterial Psychology of Mutual Caretaking in Digitalized Times (Niklas Chimirri)

    none The Psychology Department warmly welcomes you to a lecture by Niklas A. Chimirri (Roskilde University, Denmark) entitled: "Toward a Sociomaterial Psychology of Mutual Caretaking in Digitalized Times." Please find an abstract of Niklas' ...

  2. TLC Breakfast

    none The Teaching and Learning Center invites all AUP faculty to a TLC breakfast (with coffee and pastries). We will discuss funding opportunities and collaborations with colleagues of other American universities in research and teaching. No need to RSVP. ...

  3. Do Well by Doing Good

    none Join Global Trend Ambassador, Patti Carpener, on a journey to discover how you can "Do Well by Doing Good". She will review her more than 20 years of work in International Development working with indigenous artisan producers around the wor ...

  4. Designing Your AUP (DYA) No.1

    none College is about more than just going to class and getting good grades. What is your dream? How can you be sure to live a meaningful life? Are you managing your time the way you would like? Now is the time to start answering these questions in a way ...

  5. Designing Your AUP (DYA) No.2

    none College is about more than just going to class and getting good grades. What is your dream? How can you be sure to live a meaningful life? Are you managing your time the way you would like? Now is the time to start answering these questions in a way ...

  6. Designing Your Life (DYL) No.1

    none This design thinking workshop now open for sophomores, juniors, and seniors helps you examine how to connect the dots between your academic interests, your values, and your career aspirations. You will leave the workshop with the tools you need to be ...

  7. Designing Your Life (DYL) No.2

    none This design thinking workshop now open for sophomores, juniors, and seniors helps you examine how to connect the dots between your academic interests, your values, and your career aspirations. You will leave the workshop with the tools you need to be ...

  8. Designing Your Narrative (DYN) No.2

    none This design thinking workshop, now open for ALL seniors (regardless of GPS participation), helps you examine how to connect the dots between your experiences at university and your post-graduation plans. We will talk about what comes next for you: a ...

  9. Designing Your Narrative (DYN) No.3

    none This design thinking workshop, now open for ALL seniors (regardless of GPS participation), helps you examine how to connect the dots between your experiences at university and your post-graduation plans. We will talk about what comes next for you: a ...

  10. The Diarist as Witness to Catastrophe- Vahé Tachjian

    none In 1915, two Armenian families- the Bogharians and the Tavukjians- were deported from Ayntab, together with many other Armenian inhabitants of the town. They were forcibly resettled, first, in Hama, and then in the nearby town of Salamiyya (today in ...
