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  1. CANCELED- Workshop: Participatory teaching as mutual learning processes by Niklas Chimirri

    none At Roskilde University (RUC), students engage in problem-oriented project learning (PPL) each semester: They formulate their own research project in groups, they implement it, write a research report, and discuss their project’s knowledge insights an ...

  2. How I Became FRENCH! with Anne Ditmeyer MAGC '11

    none Please join the AUP community on  Tuesday, March 10, 2020  in welcoming Anne Ditmeyer (MAGC '11) back to campus for her talk "How I became French!" In this talk, Anne will share her experience and trajectory from being an AUP MAGC stud ...

  3. The Psychology of Global Crises: State Surveillance, Solidarity and Everyday Life

    none Sparked by current developments, the theme of this conference is ‘crisis’ in all its varieties. Who is speaking to the current crisis and with what advice? Which voices are heard? What can the social sciences contribute to understand crises, the curr ...

  4. Weekly Job Seeking Hangout on Microsoft Teams

    none Join the Center for Academic, Careers and Experiential Advising for a job seeking hangout on Microsoft teams. Students can sign up by contact careers for more information. Alumni may register by filling out the following webform. 100 ...

  5. Power Up Your Resume in Easy Steps

    none Join the Center for Academic, Careers and Experiential Advising for a virtual session on refining resumes. Students may register by contacting careers for more information. Alumni interested in participating may do so by filling out this webf ...

  6. Parent-to-Parent Get-Together with Dana Callaghan P’22, Manager of Parent Relations and Mary McLean Evans, Vice President for Presidential Initiatives

    none You are invited to join fellow AUP parents for a virtual parent get together with Dana Callaghan P’22, Manager of Parent Relations and Mary McLean Evans, Vice President for Presidential Initiatives. Your registration is required. To register, please ...

  7. AUP Students Changing the World: Migrant Justice Project and Experiential Learning in Texas

    none The AUP community is invited to join us for AUP Students Changing the World: Migrant Justice Project and Experiential Learning in Texas with Professor Michelle Kuo and students from the Migrant Justice Club. Your registration is required. Alumni regi ...

  8. May Day Celebration with President Celeste Schenck

    none Join the AUP community for a virtual May Day reception with President Celeste Schenck. All alumni and parents are invited to attend.  Your registration is required. Alumni may register here and parents may register here.  For more information, please ...

  9. Power Up your Resume in 5 Easy Steps, hosted by the Center for Academic, Career and Experiential Advising (ACE)

    none Students and alumni are invited to join the Center for Academic, Career and Experiential Advising (ACE) for their session, Power Up your Resume in 5 Easy Steps. Students interested in participating should contact careers Alumni may register ...

  10. Weekly Job Seeking Hangout on Microsoft Teams, hosted by the Center for Academic, Career and Experiential Advising (ACE)

    none Students and alumni are invited to join the Center for Academic, Career and Experiential Advising (ACE) for their session, Weekly Job Seeking Hangout on Microsoft Teams. Students interested in participating should contact  careers  . Alumni m ...
