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  1. Interview with Professor Hall Gardner On His Latest Book

    you read the news and keep up-to-date with what’s been happening, you will be able to follow along ...

  2. "Colorful Syria": A moving exhibition and upcoming auction in the Fine Arts Gallery

    none The Fine Arts Gallery is Combes is currently showing “Colorful Syria”, an exhibition which presents drawings made by children in war zones in Syria as well as children in refugee camps in Turkey. The show will be up for the rest of the month with an ...

  3. It's Not Too Late to Start Volunteering


  4. AUP's BVSyria Raises 983.22€ with Candy Sale


  5. This Fall, BVSyria hosts fundraising initiatives for both Halloween and Thanksgiving


  6. Enter our Snapchat Geofilter competition!

    none The Communications Office and The SGA have teamed up to organize a Snapchat Geofilter Competition! We want to see student talent design our next campus geofilter for Snapchat. We will be accepting submissions until Monday 24 October at 17:00pm. You c ...

  7. Inauguration of the Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Center

    none Last month, The American University of Paris held an official ceremony to inaugurate the Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Center in the Student Life Center on the fourth floor of the Combes building. The ground-breaking new center support ...

  8. Justice Stephen Breyer speaks at AUP

    none On May 3 at the American Church of Paris, Justice Stephen Breyer began his talk on his latest book, The Court and the World: American Law and the New Global Realities, by comparing himself to Fabrice del Dongo, the hero of Stendhal’s La Chartreuse de ...

  9. Professor Philip Golub to speak at conference in Rennes: "La Chine face au mur de l'environnement"

    none Professor Philip Golub will speak at a conference entitled "La Chine Face au Mur de l'Environnement?" at Université Rennes 2 on Friday May 13. His talk will be entitled "Chaînes de production globale et distribution des coûts envi ...

  10. Congratulations to the new SGA Execs and Senators!

    none Congratulations to the new 2016-2017 SGA Executives and Senate Representatives!  We still have some positions open and if you're interested in getting involved, they'll be open during the first round of elections next semester! 100 SGA Exec ...
