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  1. Black History Month 2020 at AUP- Overview of Events

    events in honor of Black History Month 2020. We hope that you will have the time to stop by a few of ...

  2. Presentation: Degenerations of Democracy with Craig Calhoun, Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar, and Charles Taylor

    Colonel Combes and online via zoom. To attend online, please email  zfreig  for zoom details. For ...

  3. Working Papers in MCGC Lecture Series

    progress around the Center's themes. Most papers will be made available to the public.   Degenerations ...

  4. AH2014 Baroque & Rococo Art & Architecture

    This course examines the reverberations and multi-faceted reactions to the reform movements known as ...

  5. GPS1000 Design Your Aup

    co-curricular record (CCR). This workshop is best for first year students, but is open to all. GPS ...

  6. Middle Eastern and Islamic Cultures

    West AH 2024 Introduction to Islamic Art and Architecture CM 4073 Media and Society in the Arab World ...

  7. Theater and Performance

    FR/CL 2075 Theater in Paris FR/DR 2077 Acting in French EN/CL 2100 Introduction to Creative Writing: ...

  8. Albert Cath

    reducing the issue, as often happens to top-down blueprints. This starting point has at least three ... (2015).  Co-author of the book Morrapark Fertelsum. The Narrative of Morrapark; made-to-measure or ... ready-to-wear municipal water management? Research Published by Wetterskip Fryslân/Water Board Fryslân (2015). ...

  9. Yu-jung Sun

    ideograms: an introduction to Chinese Philosophy), Paris: Éditions Ellipses, 2022.. History of Philosophy on ...

  10. Elizabeth Kinne

    English medieval literature in graduate school and received a dual PhD in French and Women’s Studies from ...
