Julian Culp

Associate Professor, Program Coordinator for Philosophy

  • Department: History and Politics
  • Graduate Program(s): International Affairs
  • Office: 
  • Office Hours: 
    Mondays and Thursdays from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in Spring 24

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Julian Culp is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Fellow of the Center for Critical Democracy Studies at The American University of Paris. Previously, he was a lecturer in philosophy and political theory at the Goethe University of Frankfurt, where he received his Habilitation and PhD in philosophy. Culp was visiting professor at the University of Graz, held postdoctoral fellowships from the University of Toronto and the University of Louvain, and spent research stays at Duke and Princeton universities.

Culp is the author of Global Justice and Development (Palgrave, 2014) and Democratic Education in a Globalized World (Routledge, 2019), as well as of numerous articles in journals such as Philosophy Compass, Theory and Research in Education, Third World QuarterlySocial Philosophy & Policy, and Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung. He is co-editor of The Cambridge Handbook of Democratic Education (CUP, 2023), the journal Analyse & Kritik – Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory (De Gruyter), and the book series Philosophy of Education – Debates and Constellations (Brill and Mentis).


  • Habilitation in Philosophy, Goethe University of Frankfurt (2018)
  • Ph.D. in Philosophy, Goethe University of Frankfurt (2012)
  • M.A. in Political and Economic Philosophy, University of Bern (2008)
  • B.A. in Philosophy and Economics, University of Bayreuth (2006)





(Co-)Edited Books and Journal Special Issues (all with an editorial introduction)


Journal Articles


Articles in Edited Books


Handbook, Encyclopedia and Lexicon Articles
  • 2023. "Equality of Educational Opportunity," in Sardoč, Mitja (ed.), Handbook of Equality of Opportunity. Berlin: Springer, 1-25, with Johannes Drerup.

  • 2023. "Ethics of Education," in Sellers, Mortimer, and Stephan Kirste (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Berlin: Springer, 1-7.

  • 2023. "Demokratie," in Frühbauer, Johannes, Michael Reder, Michael Roseneck und Thomas Schmidt (Hg.), Rawls-Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler, 213–217.

  • 2023. "Thomas Pogge," in Frühbauer, Johannes, Michael Reder, Michael Roseneck und Thomas Schmidt (eds.), Rawls-Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler, 497-503.

  • 2022. "Global Democratic Educational Justice," in Curren, Randall (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Education. London: Routledge, 245-56.

  • 2021. “John Rawls,” in Festl, Michael (ed.), Liberalismus Handbuch, Stuttgart: Metzler, 149-56.

  • 2021. “Martha Nussbaum,” in Festl, Michael (ed.), Liberalismus Handbuch, Stuttgart: Metzler, 165-71.
  • 2021. “Supranationalität,” in Festl, Michael (ed.), Liberalismus Handbuch, Stuttgart: Metzler, 263-8.
  • 2020. “Poverty,” in LaFollete, Hugh (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ethics.
  • 2018. “Freiheit,” in Oberreuter, Heinrich (ed.), 8th edition of the Staatslexikon der Görres-Gesellschaft, Freiburg: Herder, Vol. II, 837-45.
  • 2018. “Global and Social Justice in Development,” in Drydyk, Jay and Lori Keleher (eds.), Handbook of Development Ethics, London: Routledge, 103–15.
  • 2018. “International Responsibilities,” in Drydyk, Jay and Lori Keleher (eds.), Handbook of Development Ethics, London: Routledge, 333–45
  • 2015. “Development,” in Moellendorf, Darrel and Heather Widdows (eds.), The Handbook of Global Ethics, London: Routledge, 170–81
  • 2011. “Ideal Moral Theory,” in Chatterjee, Deen (ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Justice, Dordrecht: Springer, 521–3, with Nicole Hassoun


Book Reviews




  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie
  • Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft
  • Human Development and Capability Association
  • The Global Justice Network
  • North American Association for Philosophy and Education

Research Areas

  • Social and Political Philosophy: domestic and global theories of distributive, educational, and political justice; theories of social development and progress; methodology; comparative political theory
  • Ethics: educational ethics, global ethics, action theory

Awards, Fellowships and Grants

  • 2024: The Board of Trustees Award for Outstanding Research & Publication, The American University of Paris
  • 2023-2027: Institutional Partnership Grant, Center for Critical Democracy Studies, The American University of Paris, for the collaborative workshop series Atelier de Theorie Politique Paris (ATTP)
  • 2022-2027: Journal Publication Grant, Center for Critical Democracy Studies, The American University of Paris, for the journal Analyse & Kritik
  • 2020–2022: Demos 21 Fellowship, Center for Critical Democracy Studies, The American University of Paris
  • 2020: Flagship Course Development Grant, Andrew Mellon Foundation
  • 2020: Course Release Grant, Civic Media Lab, The American University of Paris
  • 2019: Nomination of Habilitation thesis for the Werner-Pünder-Prize
  • 2019: Nomination of Habilitation thesis for Frankfurter Preis für philosophische Habilitationsarbeiten der Freunde und Förderer der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
  • 2019: Team Teaching Grant, Andrew Mellon Foundation
  • 2019: Course Development Grant, Andrew Mellon Foundation
  • 2019, 2020: Faculty Fellowship Award, Schaeffer Center for the Study of Violence, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention
  • 2018, 2019: Faculty Development Grant, The American University of Paris
  • 2017–2020: Journal Enhancement Grant, German Research Foundation (DFG), for the journal Global Justice: Theory, Practice, Rhetoric
  • 2013–2016: Journal Enhancement Grant, German Research Foundation (DFG), for the journal Global Justice: Theory, Practice, Rhetoric
  • 2008–2011: Doctoral scholarship, Cluster of Excellence Normative Orders, Goethe University of Frankfurt (resigned 02/2010)
  • 2006–2008: Scholarship for international MA students, University of Bern
  • 2005–2006: Student scholarship for undergraduate studies at the University of São Paulo, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • 2005–2008: Student scholarship, Cusanuswerk