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  1. Distinguished Alumna Monica Taylor, Managing Director of Craft Worldwide, Speaks at AUP

    none On Tuesday, January 30 the AUP Alumni Office and the Department of Global Communications hosted AUP’s first Distinguished Alumni Speaker of 2019 – Monica Taylor ‘91. Taylor is a Managing Director at Craft Worldwide, one of the largest global producti ...

  2. #OneMoreJourney Unites AUP Community on Giving Tuesday

    none Giving Tuesday 2019 was a huge success; the AUP community came together to fund more Coup de Pouce stipends than we imagined. Each gift will help send a deserving student on the trip of a lifetime as part of AUP’s Cultural Program. The #OneMoreJourne ...

  3. AUP Magazine Launches Alumni Careers Issue

    none What makes a meaningful career? At AUP we believe that meaningful careers are those that transcend boundaries, opening graduates up to new perspectives and ways of thinking. A global liberal arts education, along with all the immersive learning exper ...

  4. AUP Launches New Global Talent Portal

    none The American University of Paris (AUP) is pleased to announce the launch of its new Global Talent Portal – an updated online version of its print-edition Global Talent Brochure – designed to match AUP’s talented pool of global explorers with potentia ...

  5. The AUP Magazine Looks Back at a Year Like No Other

    none The Fall 2020 issue of the AUP Magazine showcases inspiring stories from across the AUP community about the collective responses to the unique challenges that the past 12 months have produced. Titled “ A Year Like No Other,” the issue focuses on inno ...

  6. AUP Launches MSc in Human Rights and Data Science

    none The American University of Paris is pleased to announce the launch of the new MSc in Human Rights and Data Science – recruiting now for the 2021–22 academic year – which joins existing graduate programs in global communications, management, diplomacy ...

  7. HI1009 History Of Asian Civilization II

    course examines the major development of civilizations in East Asia from the 16th century to the present. ...

  8. Tocqueville Issues

    Tocqueville, Volume 36, Number 2, 2015 The Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville, Volume 36, Number 1, 2015 ...

  9. Gabriela Covarrubias

    (2017-2019)   BA in graphic design, Mexico City, MX (2015)   Academic Internship in Chicago, IL (Summer 2015 ...

  10. Learning Laboratory: Prof. Maria Medved on why Men are More Likely to Die of Covid-19

    a higher mortality rate than women. Though many commentators and politicians argue that gender is not ... social arguments for why the mortality rate differs for men and women that gender is important and it ...
