Olympics 2024:

Information about Campus Tours, Access and Visits

Each of ASM’s print platforms is managed by a team of dedicated students and faculty advisors to create professional-level products. They collaborate closely with ASM’s digital and video platforms, the Plume and Peacock Play.


Peacock Magazine

The Peacock Magazine is a print magazine produced each semester by a team of student journalists, designers, and photographers. Guided by student editors and a professional faculty advisor, the Peacock Magazine seeks to represent a diverse and international youth culture in Paris through long form op-ed and investigative pieces, with a focus on a variety of topics that range from global politics to food and fashion. With a diverse staff, the Peacock Magazine adds a global voice and perspective to the print media world in Paris and beyond.

As part of the Peacock Magazine, students gain real-world experiences in magazine production, from design and layout, to writing, editing, interviewing, and investigative skills.

While Peacock Magazine does accept freelance submissions, students are encouraged to take the magazine workshop course: 

CM1850 Magazine & Online Journalism Practicum

This workshop trains students in magazine writing and production through hands-on experience working on a high-quality student magazine, the Peacock. Students participate in a newsroom setting in a variety of roles -- from writing and editing to pagination and layout -- to produce the Peacock in both print and online versions. Students will learn researching and writing techniques as well as how to interview and source stories for magazines. They will gain pre-professional experience preparing them for entry-level positions in magazine journalism – whether print publications or online magazines. Note: Up to 8 credits for Journalism Practica can be applied toward the degree. May be taken twice for credit.