Getting meaningful access to frontier LLM generative AI tools and their more powerful features often requires using a paid tier of their services. AI@AUP is therefore launching a pilot program to enable access to paid tiers on three of the most capable generative AI tools currently available, in order to encourage experimentation and knowledge-sharing around generative AI in teaching and learning.
With support from the Provost’s Office, AI@AUP is making available to faculty a very limited number of licenses during this pilot as follows.
What’s being offered
Pilot participants get up to a year of access to one of the following:
Requirements of pilot participants
- Current faculty member at AUP
- Make regular use of the tool in the context of teaching and learning (or give up the license if you are no longer using it regularly, so that someone else can benefit from the pilot)
- After a period of use, be willing to share your experience, including notable examples of teaching ideas you’ve come up with, through an interview and/or a discussion open to AUP faculty
Requirements regarding data privacy and security
Although these tools will have no connections with AUP’s University Information Systems (Microsoft 365, CAMS, Blackboard, etc.), pilot participants:
- must not input or otherwise feed these tools with sensitive data (e.g. student information)
- must respect AUP’s data-related policies:
To join this pilot
- Interested faculty: send your request through your department chair, indicating which tool you wish to use (ChatGPT Team, Claude Team, or Gemini Advanced)
- Department chairs:
- Group any requests from your department and send them to ai
- If there are 2 or more requests coming from your department, indicate any priority you would assign to the requests, given that requests beyond the first may have to be waitlisted because of the limited number of licenses available
- Licenses will be limited to 1-2 faculty per department, though exceptions may be considered according to availability of remaining licenses