Campus Map

The American University of Paris is an urban institution centrally located in the seventh arrondissement of Paris, very near to the Eiffel Tower and the Seine. Like most urban European colleges and universities, the AUP campus is a composite of its buildings, all located within close walking distance.


Campus Map 2025.png


  1. Combes Student Life Center: 6, rue du Colonel Combes
  2. Quai d'Orsay Learning Commons: 69, quai d'Orsay*
  3. Administration Building: 5, boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg
  4. AUP Bookstore, Classrooms and Faculty Offices: 2 bis, Passage Landrieu 
  5. Classrooms and Faculty Offices: 102, rue Saint-Dominique (entrance at 16, passage Landrieu)
  6. Grenelle Teaching and Mentoring Center: 147, rue de Grenelle
  7. Monttessuy Center for the Arts: 9, rue de Monttessuy


Principal access to the Quai d'Orsay Learning Commons is through 6, rue du Colonel Combes.



Quai d'Orsay: Q

Combes Center: C

Grenelle: G

La Tour Maubourg: LTM

Saint Dominique: SD

Monttessuy: M

Passage Landrieu: PL

Services and buildings

Academic Advising  2
Academic Affairs 3
Academic Resource Center 2
Admissions 3
Administrative Services 3
Alumni Affairs 3
Amex Café 1
Art Studio 7
Bookstore 4
Career Development Office 2
Classrooms 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
Communications 3
Cultural Program 1
Faculty Offices 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
Financial Aid Office  3
Fine Arts Gallery 1
Graduate Student Lounge  1
Housing 1


Human Resources 3
IT Services 2
Institutional Research 3
Internship Office 2
Library 2
Outreach & Advancement 3
President's Office 3
Registrar 3
Sports 1
Student Accounting Services  3
Student Development  1
Student Government Association  1
Student Health Care Office  1
Student Immigration Services  3
Student Lounge 1
Student Mail 5
Theater 7
Writing Lab 2

Public transportation stops near campus:

  • Buses:   28, 42, 49, 63, 69, 80, 92
  • Métro:   La Tour-Maubourg, Ecole Militaire, Alma-Marceau, Invalides
  • R.E.R:   C - Pont de l'Alma-Marceau