The Council of Directors of Research Centers

The purpose of the mission driven research centers is to build bridges between the disciplinary approaches of the departments and the problems of the contemporary world. The centers foster interdisciplinary research; encourage collaboration among faculty, staff and students; and disseminate their research.

The Council of Directors of the Research Centers

The Council of Directors is composed of all Research Center Directors and the Provost. The Provost chairs the Council and is responsible for calling the meetings when necessary, at least twice per academic year. Directors may request that the Provost call exceptional meetings. Administrators and faculty not on the Council may be solicited for advice or assistance, and may be invited to participate in Council meetings by the Provost.

The principal function of the Council is to advise the Provost in the administration of the work of the research centers and in the coordination of centers' efforts within the university-wide academic program. The Council may request information about, and review, allocation of resources to centers.

2024-2025 Members of the Council of Directors of Research Centers
Member Department
Stephen Sawyer Director, The Center for Critical Democracy Studies
Daniel Gunn Director, The Center for Writers and Translators
Daniel Medin Associate Director, The Center for Writers and Translators
Brian Schiff Director, The George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention
Elena Berg Director, The Joy and Edward Frieman Environmental Science Center
Jayson Harsin Director, The Civic Media Lab