Some AUP faculty may be seeking to more actively incorporate AI use into coursework and perhaps into their own workflows for course planning. If that’s your case, you might be interested in getting some substantial training, which tends not to be free. With support from the Provost’s Office, AI@AUP is therefore offering financial support for such training to a limited number of faculty, as follows.
Types of training that can be covered
- Substantial online training (more than a single webinar) related to AI in teaching and learning
- Up to €200 (contact us if you’re interested in something more expensive)
Requirements of supported faculty
- Be willing to share your experience and examples of insights gained through the training, through an interview and/or a discussion open to AUP faculty
Examples of eligible training sources
This list is non-exhaustive – other sources can be proposed:
How to request this support
- Interested faculty: Make a request through your department chair, including
- A one-line description of the training
- Cost
- Dates
- Link to a detailed description of the training
- Department chairs:
- Forward the request to ai
- If there is more than one request coming from your department, indicate any priority you would assign to the requests, given that requests beyond the first may have to be waitlisted because of the limited amount of support available