There is a large and growing number of resources available on the web for AI in higher education. The list below has been curated for relevance to AUP and its context of an international liberal arts education. Please send to any suggestions for this list. 

Intros & background

Communicating with students about AI & AI use 

Syllabus statements & course design
Academic integrity & AI use

Teaching with and about AI 

AI & ethics
Teaching writing
Technical guidance for using AI in teaching
Other teaching resources
Books on teaching & AI

Guides for students 


AI in libraries & research 

  • Research tools
    • AI-Based Literature Review Tools (Texas A&M University Libraries) 

Clearinghouses of information/resources

AI in libraries

Discussion & keeping up 

Discussion with global peers
Blogs & newsletters 

Campus-level AI initiatives & policy development 

We’ve found the resources listed here useful in shaping the AI@AUP initiative. AUP colleagues may find these useful as well in thinking about how they can contribute to the initiative or its goals. 

Developing campus-level strategy and initiatives
Environment, frameworks & examples for policy development
Academic integrity policies

(See also the section above “Communicating with students about AI & AI use - Academic integrity & AI use”) 

AI literacy & curricular integration


AUP-relevant examples of campus-level initiatives 
Staff guidelines on AI use – examples