Professor Harsin arrived at AUP in 2003, after having taught at Northeastern University and, earlier, worked as a music and culture journalist and dj. Current director of AUP's research Center for Media, Communication & Global Change, Harsin is a critical scholar who has published seminal work on the media and communicative forms and processes of what is popularly called “post-truth politics,” such as “fake news,” conspiracy theory, rumor, lying, and disinformation. His research especially emphasizes critical cultural aspects of gender, dis-/trust, emotion, and cognition, in the digital attention economy. His work theorizes, critiques and empirically analyzes communication and culture dynamics between professional and amateur-citizen political communicators, journalists, and social movements. Professor Harsin is the former chair of the Philosophy, Theory & Critique research division of the International Communication Association. His edited book, journal issues, and own peer-reviewed research has been published widely in journals such as Communication, Culture & Critique, International Journal of Communication, and French Politics, Culture & Society. He is the recipient of the 2022 International Award for Excellence for Information, Medium, and Society—The Publishing Studies Research Network—for his article “Post-truth Reflections on Public Origins and Functions of Publishing” (2021). He presents peer-reviewed research at professional conferences such as the International Communication Associaion. Professor Harsin is currently preparing a book manuscript that critically examines a renewed academic and popular fascination with "information" in a new cultural context of digital dystopia.
(2018) “The Nuit Debout Social Movement: Communication, Politics and the Counter-production of ‘Everynight Life,’” International Journal of Communication, 12, 1819-1927
(With Mark Hayward) “Cultural Studies and the Popular,” special issue of Communication, Culture, & Critique, 6:2 (Summer 2013)
(in press). "Three Critiques of Disinformation (for-hire) Scholarship: Definitional Vortexes, Disciplinary Unneighborliness, and Cryptonormativity," Social Media+Society.
“Aggro-Truth: (Dis-)Trust, Toxic Masculinity, and the Cultural Logic of Post-Truth Politics.” The Communication Review 24 (2): 133–66 (2021).
(in press). "Post-truth," Oxford Research Encyclopedia.
"Post-truth and the Covid-19 pandemic," invited talk, NYU PhD research seminar, convenor Radha Hegde, October 12, 2020.
“Publishing and Receiving in Post-truth Democracies: Why information overload is not the cause and media literacy is not the solution,” Plenary speaker lecture, Information, Medium & Society: Eighteenth International Conference on Publishing Studies, Venice, Italy, July 3, 2020.
"Reflections on Potential Affinities Between Post-truth and Populism," paper presentation at The European Consortium for Political Research, Prague, CZ, September 7, 2023.
"Liberal Representive Democracy as Always-Already 'Degenerated': Persuasive Industries and the Hatred of Democracy," paper presentation at Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (Institute for Human Sciences), Vienna, AU, June 21, 2023.
"Post-truth as Globalizing Public Mood: Anxious, Dystopic, Indefinite," paper presentation and roundtable for forthcoming book Re-thinking Mediations of Post-truth Politics, International Communication Association annual conference, Toronto, CA, May 23, 2023.
Research Affiliate, Institute for Global Culture & Communication, Northwestern University
Research Affiliate, Center for Transcultural Studies
* Journalism and politics
* Online attention economy
* Algorithms
* Emotion
* Belief, facts, truth
* Popular culture and politics
* Rhetoric and persuasion
* Democracy
* Civic participation
* Media Ethics
* Lying
* Trust
* Communication and cognition
* International Communication Association
* International Association for Media and Communication Research
* Political Studies Association
* European Consortium for Political Research
* Center for Transcultural Studies
* Association for Cultural Studies