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Search results

  1. Internship Information Session

    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...

  2. Internship Information Session

    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...

  3. Internship Information Session

    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...

  4. Internship Information Session

    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...

  5. Internship Information Session

    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...

  6. Professor Carol Steiker Gives Talk on Future of Death Penalty

    none Professor Carol Steiker, renowned scholar and professor of criminal justice at Harvard Law School, will give a talk on the future of the death penalty.  100 Related Links Carol Steiker profile on Harvard Law School "Courting Death: The Supreme C ...

  7. Alumni & Student Trivia Night

    none The Paris Alumni Chapter invites you for a night of trivia, pizza and pints at the AMEX Café. Come and test your knowledge against the current crop of AUP’s finest. The evening will begin with a light  cocktail, followed by trivia. We look forward to ...

  8. Zach Carter on Keynes, the French Revolution and the Birth of Liberal Democracy

    none Join us on March 12 for a talk by Zach Carter is a Senior Political Economic reporter for HuffPost. Carter will be giving a lecture on Keynes, The French Revolution And The Birth Of Liberal Democracy. ...

  9. The AUP Real McCoy 90s Reunion

    none Booking is open for the the  AUP Real McCoy 90s Reunion! For those who attended the University in the 1990s, we will be hosting a weekend of reconnecting and reminiscing in Paris from  May 24th to May 27th, 2018.  The schedule has been carefully thou ...

  10. LinkedIn Workshop

    none With more than 467 million users, LinkedIn is one of today's richest free professional development resources. The Career Development Staff is organizing a workshop to help you navigate LinkedIn's resources, to learn the best practices for o ...
