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Search results

  1. CM1011 Journalism: Writing & Reporting

    a hard news story. The course will provide workshop training for students involved in ASM courses focused ...

  2. CM2014 Comparative Journalism: Gutenberg To Google

    as Google and Facebook and new “gatekeepers” of news. CM (Communications) ...

  3. Jurgen Hecker

    architecture and gender issues. He is Paris Correspondent at global news agency Agence France Presse (AFP), ...

  4. Journalism

    of journalism, including video production, broadcast news writing, and how media and war often ...

  5. An Interview with Claudio Piani

    sea temperatures are rising, but it hasn’t yet. Also, you can never associate a single extreme event ... tornado, one flooding event, you cannot say that this was caused by global warming. And you shouldn’t say ... not state incorrect theories. You cannot attribute a single event to global warming but what you can ...

  6. Plan & find your Internship

    with all of the above and more. Keep an eye on the AUP event calendar for workshops, events, and info ... sessions (we also post events and reminders on our Facebook page). Additionally, students are welcome to ...

  7. Professor Dennis

    Professor Dennis speaks at a Center for Writers & Translators event with Malaysian author Tash Aw 0 Her ... been working on recently? One of the events I did recently was a reading and discussion with ... and the Anthropocene.” The virtual event had participants from India, Argentina, Australia, Mexico, ...

  8. 42 Credit Programs

    (2024-2025): €1,078 per credit   Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025** Total Program Tuition €17,248 €17 ... Fees** €18,388 €17,888 €11,420 €47,696 *Health fees are subject to minor changes. ***This Orientation fee ... Housing + Utilities and Wifi €5,400 €6,750 €5,400 €17,550 Travel- Airfare €900 €900 €900 €2,700 Local ...

  9. Zoe Jo Rae: Resourcefulness- and Other Quiet Forms of Activism

    Zoe Jo Rae For information on how to attend this event after registration has closed, please email ...

  10. CAF Workshop #1

    date, time and room of the events: CAF WORKSHOPS Tuesday, February 5th at 9.15am in C-104 Wednesday, ...
