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Search results

  1. Parent Orientation Schedule

    find a schedule of all Parent Orientation events below. To register, please click here.   January 4, ... Paris (Virtual Event)   6:00 pm CET This virtual event will take place on Zoom with Kevin Fore, Jennifer Larsen ... activities, hosted by AUP’s partners. To register for these paid events, please visit:  ...

  2. Santé! Wine Essentials with Carli Seaver '08 (Part 3)

    and final event in our three-part series on tasting wines, guided by alumna Carli Seaver (Urbanic) ... ’08, Educator and Hospitality Lead at Hahn Family Wines in Carmel, California. For our final event, we will be ... tasting specific American wines. If you missed the first two events in this series, not to worry! Pour yourself ...

  3. Women's Week Guest Speaker: le Collectif Feministes Contre le Cyber Harcèlement

     We will have roughly six representatives – including a therapist.  This event will be in French, and ... translated in English.  This event is organized by the Gen*Sex club and the Gender and Sexuality Studies ... senator. See the full program of events for Women's Week 2018 on the event page https ...

  4. Women's Week Film Screening: The Pearl of Africa

    club, and the Gen*Sex club. See the full program of events for Women's Week 2018 on the  event page ...

  5. Mediating Sustainable Cities

    none This event has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. What is the relation between ... physical and digital). This event is cosponsored by the Center for Critical Democracy Studies and the  ... Human Rights and Data Science program.    This event has been cancelled. https ...

  6. The Shifting Border – Legal Cartographies of Migration and Mobility | DEMOS21

    of the Contemporary European Democratic Theory theme of the DEMOS21 event series organized by the ... Center for Critical Democracy Studies. This event is co-organized with Professor Julian Culp The border ... register for this event, please email Julian Culp at jculp 100 Center for Critical Democracy ...

  7. An Afghan in Paris and Why Afghanistan Matters

    scholarships to study at  AUP invites you to an event to better understand Afghanistan and a role played by our ... a troubled part of the world we live in.   This event will be both on Zoom and in person at the American ...

  8. Conférences francophones: Shumona Sinha

    2017 — Traduit en allemand (Staatenlos, Edition Nautilus, 2017, 160 p.) et en italien (Apolide, ...

  9. READING BY VINCENT BROQUA (in English and French) from his newest books RECOVERY and PHOTOCALL

    nineteen collections of poetry, most recently And And And, Art in Time, On Walking On (Nightboat, 2017 ... ), Gave (Omnidawn, 2017), and Landscapes on a Train (Nightboat 2015), and a volume of critical essays. Her ...

  10. Black Lives Matter, Police Violence in France and the USA

    protest. This event is sponsored by The Department of French Studies & Modern Languages Contact ... virtual event. 100 Related Links Amnesty International BLM at AUP ...
