GPS3000 Design Your Life Workshop

GPS3000 Design Your Life Workshop

Designing Your Life (DYL) Design thinking is about solving problems. It began as a tool used by engineers, but is now recognized as a useful method for tackling all sorts of problems. The “problem” addressed in this workshop is: How can I align my career aspirations with my values; and how can I articulate my personal value proposition? The Designing Your Life (DYL) workshop helps students examine how to connect the dots between their academic interests, their values, and their career aspirations. Students will leave the workshop with the tools needed to begin thinking clearly about their transition into the professional sphere and with a "Person Value Proposition" that will enable them to communicate successfully with prospective employers about their strengths and experiences. Completion of this workshop is a requirement of the Global Professional Skills Program (GPS) and appears on the official co-curricular record (CCR). This workshop is best for second- and third-year students, but is open to all.