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  1. Imaginaries of contemporary conflicts: engaging with the War in Ukraine on TikTok

    none MCGC Working Paper Series presents research in progress by AUP scholars Noemie Oxley and Fatima Aziz, with an external discussant to be announced. 100 Fixed-50px space Featured Links MCGC at AUP ...

  2. Fashion Talk: Between Knoweldge & Action – Dr Samira Iran: "Exploring the Knowledge-Action Gap in the Fast Fashion Industry"

    none Exploring the Knowledge-Action Gap in the Fast Fashion Industry According to recent data, the adult population in Germany collectively possesses approximately 5.2 billion garments, out of which two billion remain unused or seldom worn. Other European ...


    none On May 2, the Center for Critical Democracy Studies will host Professor Patrick Weil (Yale, CNRS) for the launch of the English translation of his new book "The Madman in the White House: Sigmund Freud, Ambassador Bullitt, and the Lost Psychobio ...

  4. Presentation: "Carl Schmitt, Political Theology and the History of Political Thought" with Samuel Zeitlin (Cambridge)

    none On Wednesday July 5, Dr. Samuel Garrett Zeitlin (University of Cambridge) will give a presentation at the CCDS titled "Carl Schmitt, Political Theology and the History of Political Thought." The talk will take place at 18h30, in-person in r ...

  5. MCGC Working Paper Series: recent books in feminist media studies, Andrea Press and Josiane Jouet

    none Andrea Press and Josiane Jouet will be drawing from their recent book publications and work in progress.   Josiane Jouet: is Professor emeritus, université de Paris Panthéon-Assas. Her most recent book is Numérique, féminisme et société, (Presses des ...

  6. Kimetha Vanderveen Opening

    none April 25th from 18h00 to 20h30 there will be an opening in the Combes Gallery with wine and cheese of Kimetha Vanderbeen’s exhibition “Perceptions.” 100 Fixed-50px space ...

  7. Fashion Industry Talks: Professional Perspectives – "Leather up! How to make fashion accessories more sustainable" by V. Dast & A. Harwood

    none Image 0 By co-creating their collection of fashion accessories according to the principles of saddlery leather goods, Victor Dast &am ...

  8. The American Developmental State

    Democracy Symposium in Paris, May 25-26, 2023 none Organized by Noam Maggor (Queen Mary University of London & IEA Paris), Sofia Valeonti (American University of Paris), Nicolas Barreyre (EHESS), Ariel Ron (Southern Methodist University). With support ...

  9. Printed Books in the Digital Age: A conversation with Jonathan Simons moderated by Marc-Olivier Bherer of Le Monde

    none Analog Sea, is as an offline publisher distributing exclusively to physical bookshops. Their wish is for books to be traded between human beings and not relegated to robots and algorithms. Digital platforms are great for efficiency and massification, ...

  10. Jordan Salama presents Every Day the River Changes

    none Jordan Salama is a resident writer on staff for National Geographic who has written essays on climate change, letter-writing, and American Jewish life, tracked down Syrian traveling salesmen in the Andes, covered Lionel Messi and the Argentina nation ...
