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  1. Keynote Speakers

    co-production of artistic performances. He is the author of Navigating Cultural Memory (Oxford University Press, ... cultural dimensions of protest and politics, asking how and when politically disadvantaged groups have ...  (Univ. Chicago, 2020), and, with Edwin Amenta,  Changing Minds: Movements and Cultural Impact  (Russell ...

  2. BA4020 Computational Finance

    necessary technical and analytical skills useful for graduate school work, working in financial firms or ...

  3. EC5063 Economic Analysis For Management

    responsibility. The prerequisites of the course are a graduate standing. EC (Economics) ...

  4. GR5099 Thesis Seminar

    students in the appropriate methodology for the research and writing of a graduate thesis. During the ...

  5. Art History & Fine Arts Department Hosts International Symposium: Decolonizing the Avant-garde

    often inclusive, trans-national and open to other cultures. The symposium provided a great starting ... from exhaustive, the symposium offered an exploratory forum for lively debate and academic exchange “I ...

  6. Anna Schroeder ’15

    perfect place to start. My academic advisor encouraged me to explore other areas, and thanks to his ... close proximity to it and understanding its cultural significance gave that moment a lasting impact.   ...

  7. Jazz on the High Seas: My Journey to AUP

    provide a full menu of cultural activities. There were language classes and conversation groups, film ... advanced level but without discipline and not really connected to any academic or professional circuit. On ...

  8. Faces of AUP- Walter J. Brennan

    Walter J. Brennan multi-section First Director of the Cultural Program none First Director of the ... Cultural Program Walter Brennan was born September 8, 1927, in Troy, New York. A concert pianist, he ... immediately impressed by his wide range of  culture générale. Throughout the first five years, Brennan ...

  9. CL2006 Contemporary Feminist Theory

    writing, representation, culture, race, and politics. Encourages responsible theorizing across disciplines ... and cultures. CL (Comparative Literature) ...

  10. GS2006 Contemporary Feminist Theory

    writing, representation, culture, race, and politics. Encourages responsible theorizing across disciplines ... and cultures. GS (Gender Studies) ...
