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Search results

  1. SC1080 Animal Behavior

    and why animals, including humans, behave the way they do. Topics include natural selection; the ...

  2. BA3055 Disasters Management

    mitigate the human and financial pain they spawn. The key question posed and framework for study: How are ...

  3. SC1020N Environmental Science: No Lab

    disruptions caused by human activity. Topics include global warming, deforestation, waste production and ...

  4. SC1080N Animal Behavior: No Lab

    explores how and why animals, including humans, behave the way they do. Topics include natural selection; ...

  5. A New Narrative for Psychology Book Launch Event

    fundamental problems of human psychology and better appreciate persons in diverse social and cultural ... making in human lives. Discussants on the roundtable are Matti Hyvärinen (Professor, University of ...

  6. An Evening with Author Journalist: Charles Siebert

    with, and writing about, non-human animals, and what they reveal to us about themselves and us. Through ... equally traumatized war veterans, Siebert introduces us to the animal within all humans; the common ...

  7. The Netherlands- Managing Through the Anthropocene

    responses to climate change and human impacts on the environment, with high ranking experts in these sectors ... climate change and other environmental impacts of human activities. Led by Professors Robert Earhart & ...

  8. Virtual Forum: Understanding the War in the Ukraine

    destroying a sovereign democratic state, in clear violation of international law. The human cost of the war, ... cooperation and meet the challenges of the human cost of this conflict? How can we make sense of these tragic ...

  9. Fireside Chat on Acclaimed Thinker Rene GIRARD: Is Conflict in Our Nature? What of Culture and Civilization?

    centenary of his birth. Why do humans have such an astounding capacity for conflict and violence? How are ... world-renowned René Girard’s challenging interpretations of human psychology, social dynamics, literature, ...

  10. Hold Up Half the Sky

    installation contrasts the raucous, human, emotional sounds of protest with visuals of the slow, ephemeral, ... avoiding any human imagery. The past years have been exciting and active for civil society in Paris, and ...
