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  1. Alina Thiemann

    Faculty Member ...

  2. Emma Gomis

    egomis Emma Gomis Lecturer Comparative Literature and English Faculty ...

  3. Antoine Houssard

    ahoussard Antoine Houssard Junior Lecturer Communication, Media and Culture Faculty Member ...

  4. Hannah Victoria Johnson

    hjohnson Hannah Victoria Johnson Junior Lecturer Comparative Literature and English Faculty Member ...

  5. Patrik Lerchmüller

    plerchmueller Patrik Lerchmüller Senior lecturer Communication, Media and Culture Faculty Member ...

  6. Urmila Nair

    unair Urmila Nair Lecturer Communication, Media and Culture Faculty Member ...

  7. Ines Winckler

    iwinckler Ines Winckler Lecturer Art History and Fine Arts Faculty ...

  8. English Courses

    A: TOPIC TBA with Professor STAFF By engaging with major works of World Literature across genres, ... Inquiry and Expression” core curriculum requirement.     EN1010 B – TOPIC TBA with Professor STAFF By ... curriculum requirement.   EN 1010 C: TOPIC TBA with Professor STAFF By engaging with major works of World ...

  9. Youna Kim

    Goldsmiths College during the four years of her PhD study before joining the faculty of the LSE and AUP. Her ... is an important resource for women, stimulating them to research their own lives and identities. It ... important role of the transnational media as mundane migratory resources, individualistic and networked ...

  10. AUP Commencement

    Before the conferring of degree certificates, commendations were awarded to students, staff and faculty ... Santiago; two staff members, Randy Vener and Yann Louis; and two faculty members, Diane Bonneau and Robert ... network of an anti-war magazine founded in 1916. The Board also conferred faculty awards, honoring ...
