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  1. AUP Alumna Sonia Terrab Wins 2020 Simone de Beauvoir Prize

    none On January 9, 2020, the Simone de Beauvoir Prize for Women’s Freedom was awarded to AUP alumna Sonia Terrab G’11, along with writer Leila Slimani and poet Karima Nadir; they accepted the prize on behalf of the Collective 490 hors-la-loi, or Outlaws C ...

  2. Addressing Gun Violence for a Safer Society with Delaney Tarr

    none On Tuesday, February 11, 2020, the Office of the President cohosted the first in a series of events tackling major political issues in the run-up to the 2020 US elections. The event, which focused on gun violence and gun control legislation in Americ ...

  3. Professor Fred Einbinder Honored at #StopCorruption Prize

    none On December 17, 2019, Professor Fred Einbinder of AUP’s Department of International Business Administration was awarded second place in the category of best scientific publication at the first biennial #StopCorruption prize. The award ceremony took p ...

  4. Sophie Mackintosh Appointed as Paris Writer in Residence

    none The American University of Paris, the University of Kent Paris School of Arts and Culture and the Centre Culturel Irlandais (Irish Arts Center) are pleased to announce that Sophie Mackintosh has been appointed to the third Paris Writer’s Residency. W ...

  5. Water Is Not Just Water: A Zoomcast with Professor Elena Berg

    none Professor Elena Berg is a certified water sommelier – trained to discern the flavor subtleties between mineral water varieties and knowledgeable of the specificities of a complex industry. “I never knew a thing like this existed before I got started, ...

  6. Law and Conflict Students Observe Charlie Hebdo Terror Trial

    none Throughout October 2020, Professor Sharon Weill of the Department of History and Politics is taking students from her Law and Conflict class on a rolling basis to attend the prominent trial of 14 individuals accused of involvement in the terror attac ...

  7. Stephen Sawyer Becomes First Ballantine-Leavitt Professor of History

    none Professor Stephen Sawyer, Chair of the Department of History and Politics and Director of AUP’s Center for Critical Democracy Studies (CCDS), has been awarded the first-ever title of Ballantine-Leavitt Professor of History in order to pursue his rese ...

  8. Working in Fashion: The Most Beautiful Job in the World?

    none On Wednesday, December 9, 2020, Professors Renate Stauss and Sophie Kurkdjian of the Department of Communication, Media and Culture organized the first talk in an event series running throughout the 2020–21 academic year entitled Fashion Talks at AUP ...

  9. CCDS Hosts Two-Day Conference on Well-Being and Engagement

    none On Wednesday, October 21, 2020, the Center for Critical Democracy Studies (CCDS), a research center at The American University of Paris dedicated to promoting the practice, study and life of the democratic, began a two-day Well-Being Conference in co ...

  10. Alfio

    Related Links Learn more about the self-designed major Discover AUP's academic advising services none How did you know AUP was the place for you?  After spending nine years in Beijing at international schools, I wanted to continue living in environme ...
