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  1. Plat du Jour- Special Recipes from the AMEX

    none Recipe by Antonin Wateau The AMEX Café holds a special place in the hearts of the AUP ... More special recipes from the AMEX Café are soon to come. In the meantime, share your results with us ...

  2. Alumni

    University long after the days of student life in Paris are but a cherished memory. News Congratulations, ... preferences & subscribe for monthly newsletters and event invites Alumni Facebook Group Reconnect with old ... friends and share updates AUP Global Sign up for events with your local AUP Alumni Chapters & Groups ...

  3. An Interview with Claudio Piani

    Claudio Piani You specialize in climate modeling and bias correction, while your colleague and lab ... partner, Elena Berg, specializes in evolutionary biology. How do you plan to work together on projects for ... sea temperatures are rising, but it hasn’t yet. Also, you can never associate a single extreme event ...


  5. CCDS Highlights

    Critical Democracy Studies, the event was moderated by Jayson Harsin (Director, Center for Media, ... ended with thanks and gratitude for a mutually enlightening exchange. The recording of the event can be ... viewed below. 100 Video 0 "DEMOS21 INAUGURAL EVENT “WHAT ...

  6. News from the Center

    News All Load more ...

  7. Q&A with Professor Albert Wu

    Uprising of 1900. Why do you think this event, where over 100,000 people were murdered, is not better known ... reemerged in the public eye. Even though in From Christ to Confucius, you’re writing about events that took ...

  8. Back Together on Campus for Alumni Weekend 2023

    in May consisting of campus tours, networking events, museum visits and social events. Over 50 alumni ... of one of France’s great sculptors in situ. Alumni at the speed networking event Catching up at the ... alumni cocktail A student discusses his studies at the speed networking event Speed networking in action ...

  9. AUP Newsletter

    career news and events, faculty updates, stories and photos from past events, alumni-related blogs, and ... of each month. Submitting news and events If you have an event or news you’d like to share, feel free ... to  share (send us an email). Include the text of the news or the event in a Word document ...

  10. Demos21: Students Join Symposium on Race and Social Justice

    Theory in the US and French contexts. The event was the first in a series of seven symposia organized on ... and workshops organized by AUP’s Center for Critical Democracy Studies (CCDS). The hybrid event, which ... Spieler began the event by introducing the aims of the symposia: “I wanted to create a space for ...
