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Search results

  1. Lee Huebner reflects on Globalization and the media

    propaganda, particularly just before WWII, and today’s “fake news.” Huebner sees many similarities between ... obsession with "fake news." The idea of publicity, as used by President Teddy Roosevelt over ... much in the way “fake news” is currently being employed. 100 Image ...

  2. Remaking the Demos ‘From Below’? Critical Theory, Migrant Struggles, and Epistemic Resistance | DEMOS21

    DEMOS21 event series organized by the Center for Critical Democracy Studies. This event is co-organized ... philosophy and social philosophy. 100 Fixed-50px space Registrants will receive an email, including the event ... details and the link to join the event, 24 hours prior to the event start time.   100 Related Links Center ...

  3. Rencontre avec Sylviane Giampino (Book launch by Sylviane Giampino) Inscription obligatoire (merci de remplir le formulaire ci-dessous). Registration for this event ... is closed. If you have an AUP ID card and wish to attend the event, you can simply come to the event ... location at the beginning of the event. ...

  4. Gendered Aspects of the Armenian Genocide in the Experiences of its Victimized Females with Anna Aleksanyan

    Armenian, Russian, French, Turkish and English. Registration for this event is closed. If you have an AUP ID ... card and wish to attend the event, you can simply come to the event location at the beginning of the ... event. ...

  5. Beatrice Cointreau in Conversation with President Schenck: Women Entrepreneurs, "Doing it All," and Mentoring Women Leaders

    for this event is closed. If you have an AUP ID card and wish to attend the event, you can simply come ... to the event location at the beginning of the event. https ...

  6. Alumnus Kimseng Men '98 speaks at Professor Doyle's Media Globalization class


  7. SGA Fall 2016 Election Results

    none Here are the results of the Fall 2016 SGA Elections: Undergraduate Student Senators Visiting Rep- Sahil Nandwani First-Year Rep- Marly Phillips Nicol Sophomore Rep- Francesca Coyne Junior Rep- Shana Monique Callender Senior Rep- Keti Archaia Economic ...

  8. James Baldwin Conference 2016

    none Professors William Dow and Alice Craven first discovered that they worked well together in 2008, when they put together a wildly successful centenary conference on Richard Wright. After attending a 2011 conference entitled “James Baldwin’s Global Ima ...

  9. AUP Graduation Ceremony 2016

    none AUP’s graduation ceremony on May 24, 2016, at the Théâtre du Châtelet, was an especially reflective affair. In the midst of celebration, there was a sense that our graduates’ training as global explorers would be especially necessary in our uncertain ...

  10. AUP + Paris = among the best the world has to offer for international students

