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Search results

  1. Alumnus Kimseng Men '98 speaks at Professor Doyle's Media Globalization class


  2. SGA Fall 2016 Election Results

    none Here are the results of the Fall 2016 SGA Elections: Undergraduate Student Senators Visiting Rep- Sahil Nandwani First-Year Rep- Marly Phillips Nicol Sophomore Rep- Francesca Coyne Junior Rep- Shana Monique Callender Senior Rep- Keti Archaia Economic ...

  3. AUP Graduation Ceremony 2016

    none AUP’s graduation ceremony on May 24, 2016, at the Théâtre du Châtelet, was an especially reflective affair. In the midst of celebration, there was a sense that our graduates’ training as global explorers would be especially necessary in our uncertain ...

  4. AUP + Paris = among the best the world has to offer for international students


  5. Prof. Michelle Kuo's New Book

    none Wonderful AUP Professor Michelle Kuo who teaches in the History, Law, and Society program will be releasing her new book "Reading with Patrick" on July 11. A memoir of race, inequality and the power of literature told through the life-chang ...

  6. Lubner Family Philanthropy Award



    none Welcome to Paris! If you are wondering about what is the most cost effective way to get around the city, then check out Imagine R, a metro pass that gives you access to all zones (1–5) of Paris for all types of public transportation (Metro, Bus and R ...

  8. Artful Magic: A Talk with Sylvia Brownrigg

    The 30th Edition of the Cahier Series – Invisible Countries none This semester the Center for Writers & Translators reached a milestone in its groundbreaking Cahiers Series with the publication of the 30th cahier, Sylvia Brownrigg’s Invisible Countrie ...

  9. Alumna Emma Ramadan G’14 Wins Prestigious Albertine Award

    none For the second year running, Albertine, a project of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the US, awarded their prize for the best French-language fiction newly available in English. AUP Alumna Emma Ramadan G’14, translator of Anne Garréta’ ...

  10. GPS Finalists’ Panel Presentations Showcase Student Talent

    none On Tuesday, May 21, 2019, an awards ceremony took place to honor those students who successfully completed all requirements for AUP’s Global Professional Skills (GPS) Program. This signature AUP program is designed to bring together every aspect of a ...
