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Search results

  1. America is hiring: J-1 VISA Programs!

    none How to find a paid internship, placement or summer job in America. Adding an Internship or placement in America to your CV will give you that competitive edge after graduation. Paid Internships, Placements and Summer Jobs in the US are open to all na ...

  2. Preserving AKP Power: Understanding Turkish Foreign Policy through the Lens of its Domestic Politics

    none The AUP Middle East Pluralities program invites you to attend a lecture by professor Louis Fishman entitled: Understanding Turkish Foreign Policy through the Lens of its Domestic Politics. Professor Fishman teaches Modern Middle East history at Brook ...

  3. BVSyria Valentine's Day Candy Sale

    none BVSyria is holding its annual Valentine's Day Candy Gram sale in the Combes lobby Monday through Wednesday! Candy grams are 3 euros each, and all proceeds will support interrupted education in the areas affected by the Syrian conflict, in partne ...

  4. UNICEF St. Valentines Day Rose Sale

    none Join us in Combes to purchase a rose for your girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend or yourself! 100% of the proceeds will go to UNICEF France and the aid of children all over the world. Roses will be sold for 4 Euro each. Make someone feel special this ...

  5. GPS Info Session

    none If you are a Undergraduate Senior, you are encouraged to attend this GPS info session! Your journey, though academic, isn't just about academics. You do so much more while you're at AUP. The new GPS program gives you certification for what ...

  6. The Vagina Monologues

    none Info session for the upcoming Gensex and White Mask theatrical production of The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. If you can't make it or would like more information please email whitemask or gensex 100 Related Links White Mask T ...

  7. GPS Info Session

    none If you are a Undergraduate Senior, you are encouraged to attend this GPS info session! Your journey, though academic, isn't just about academics. You do so much more while you're at AUP. The new GPS program gives you certification for what ...

  8. Storytelling

    none It is crucial for entrepreneurs to be able to tell the story of their company, as well as their own. The Alumni Affairs Office, in conjunction with the Careers Department and Paris Alumni Chapter invite you to an expert workshop with coach, theater a ...

  9. Internship Information Session

    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...

  10. Internship Information Session

    none Students who get an internship are 2.5 times MORE likely to get a job soon after graduation! Come to undersand the basics of AUP's internship program, learn some search and application strategies, and discover the AUP resources available to help ...
