Students on a theater trip in Iceland.

Fez Study Trip

Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - 00:00 to Sunday, April 26, 2015 - 00:00

ES/HI 3017 The Islamic City,
CM 5005 Transnational Identities
Professor Waddick Doyle, Professor Robert Payne & Professor Justin McGuinness

Cost: €750 (includes round-trip air transportation, shared homestay accommodations with breakfast, on-site transportation, visit & entrance fees, lectures, professors’ trip costs, and VAT)

Founded in 808, Fez is often called ‘the best preserved mediaeval city’ in North Africa. Held to be Morocco's spiritual capital, it is both magnet for pilgrims from sub-Saharan Africa and a major draw for tourists in search of ‘something cultural’. For students of CM 5005, Transnational Identities, taught by Robert Payne with Waddick Doyle and ES/HI 3017, The Islamic City (prof. Justin McGuinness), Fez is a compelling place for study. Professor Payne’s students will be examining globalization, technologies of the self and how spirituality plays out in music and song; there will be opportunities to attend events at the Festival of Sufi Culture. As part of Professor McGuinness’ history and urbanism class, the city has much to tell about how daily life, architecture and religious beliefs are intertwined. The trip will shed light on the development of Fez’s organic built form – and the challenges of conserving it today. A day-trip to the Roman site of Volubilis is also planned.

Last day to register/cancel: January 25

Late cancelation fee: €750

Payment for study trips is due as soon as the trip is officially confirmed by email from the (CP Coordinator, Alexis Dang.)