AUP student taking a photo of the Seine during Orientation.

Get LinkedIn to the AUP Network

Tuesday, April 28, 2015 - 17:00

As you get closer to graduation, you know that you need to network. You’ve heard about LinkedIn and you are probably already on it, but are you sure you know how to use it to its full extent?

Did you know...

With over 347 million members in over 200 countries and growing at 2 users per second, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network? Your LinkedIn profile is most likely the first site that will show up when a prospective employer searches your name? There are close to 8,000 AUP alumni and students on LinkedIn, making it the best way to grow connections with the AUP community?

Get the chance to:

Build Review Enhance your LinkedIn Profile

.... And learn how to use it to network for internships and jobs!