
Gilets Jaunes Demonstrations Update to Students

This post is a republished version of an email communication sent by AUP Vice President for Security, Operations and Student Services Marc Montheard to current students on January 24, 2019, about the Gilets Jaunes demonstrations. It is part of our Safety & Security blog that rounds up all the latest news and updates for our community.

Dear Students,

It is time to keep you posted on the Yellow Vests movement and the likely demonstrations this coming Saturday.

As of this morning it looks like there will be several demonstrations in Paris:

  •  in the 7th arrondissement in front of the “ministère des Outre Mer”, rue Oudinot (between metro stops Duroc and Saint François Xavier).
  • at Place de la République. Be aware that they are calling for people to stay all night at this spot.

In addition and in reaction to the Yellow Vests, a new movement  has emerged. This movement has branded itself the “red scarfs.” They have decided to demonstrate this Sunday, January 27, 2019, from Place de la Nation (12th arrondissement) to the Bastille.

In sum, we reiterate our advice to avoid areas where demonstrations are scheduled (see above) and to remain vigilant as it is always possible that other areas may be temporarily impacted.

Do not hesitate to be in touch with us if you have questions or concerns.

Wishing you a good weekend!