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GPS4000 Design Your Narrative Workshop

GPS4000 Design Your Narrative Workshop

Designing Your Narrative (DYN) Design thinking is about solving problems. It began as a tool used by engineers, but is now recognized as a useful method for tackling all sorts of problems. The “problem” addressed in this workshop is: How do I tell my story; and how can I craft a narrative to successfully pitch myself and my university experience to employers/graduate program admissions advisors/investors/…? The Designing Your Narrative (DYN) workshop helps students examine how to connect the dots between their experiences at university and their post-graduation plans. We talk about what comes next (job/internship/graduate school/etc.), and walk through a series of exercises that help students reflect on everything they’ve done at AUP, both in the classroom and outside of it. Students will leave the workshop with the tools they need to be confident selling themselves to prospective employers, graduate school admissions decision-makers, investors, etc. - whoever will be your "audience" as you work towards your post-graduation goals. Completion of this workshop is a requirement of the Global Professional Skills Program (GPS) and appears on the official co-curricular record (CCR). This workshop is best for final-year students (seniors), but is also open to second semester juniors.