Olympics 2024:

Information about Campus Tours, Access and Visits

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Search results

  1. Mai 68 Conference

    a period running from 1962 to 1981 while Alain Geismar, one of the student leaders of May 1968 makes it ... magazine  Parti Pris,  separatist Philippe Bernard described the importance of student radicals’ “global ... show how the events in 1968 in France pushed the francophone New Left towards student- and ...

  2. Frances Eby

    professionals a new, and sometimes unexpected, perspective on an industry or career path. Students often have an ...

  3. Year in Review: The Hemingway Conference

    by former AUP student and University of Iowa doctoral candidate, Yoko Nakamura. Craven chaired ...

  4. Year in Review: One Year of AUP Global

    However, along with alumni updates, our feed regularly highlights student profiles, upcoming talks by AUP ...

  5. Jacinda Carlisle G'20

    I adore. As a graduate student of the MA in Global Communications, I aim to become a game changer for human ...

  6. Nicole Santiago G'19

    responses to global issues.   I am the student chair of AUP's Working Group on Human Rights, which is ...

  7. Rob Reich on Making Philanthropy Work for Democracy

    Responding to a student’s question, he conceded that exceptions may be made in emergency circumstances, but ...

  8. Katerina McGrath

    classroom to life in the “real world”. Here, Journalism student Katerina McGrath shares her experience in ...

  9. AUP Philosophy Professors Celebrate Double Book Launch

    teach on the AUP philosophy major, celebrated a double book launch in the presence of faculty, students ...

  10. Digital Anthropology and the Death of Aylan Kurdi

    research in digital anthropology to an audience of AUP students, staff and faculty. Aziz focused on the ...
