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  1. CL3060 Literature & The Political Imagination

    studied include fiction by Zola, Gaskell, Dickens, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Chernyshevsky, and Conrad, and ...

  2. CL3200 Fiction Writing Workshop

    while studying fiction techniques and style through examples. CL (Comparative Literature) ...

  3. CM3004 Communicating Fashion

    when dress and grooming become the basis for the modern phenomena of fashion. Studies the historical ...

  4. CM3011 Comparative Political Communication

    as an introduction to how communication scholars study politics and the media. We will cover ...

  5. CM4030 Media In Asia

    CM4030 Media In Asia Why study the media in Asia? ...

  6. CM5001 Global Communications

    anthropology, sociology, and rhetoric—deal with these issues. They also study a variety of research ...

  7. CS1040 Intro To Computer Programming I

    perspective using the programming language Java. Starts with practical problem-solving and leads to the study ...

  8. EC3010 Intermediate Microeconomics

    concepts of formal economic analysis to study topics ranging from the theory of consumer behavior to the ...

  9. EC3042 Economic Development

    of the concept of economic development and its means of assessment. The course studies the models ...

  10. EN2020 Writing & Criticism

    topic-centered courses refining the skills of academic essay writing, studying a wide range of ideas as expressed ...
