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AUP Community Blog

ASM Launches Print Edition of Peacock Plume Monthly

Stuart Johnson

By Stuart Johnson

Did you think print journalism was dead? Not at AUP! This week, ASM editors Shandiin Vandervere, Jackson Vann and Stuart Johnson are proud to introduce the printed edition – that’s right, on real paper! – of Peacock Plume Monthly: a bi-semester newsletter, bringing together articles published on the Peacock Plume website.

Following the very first digital edition back in February, this second issue contains an inside look at the University’s vaccination policy for Fall 2021, including interviews with AUP administrators Kevin Fore and Marc Montheard; an op-ed from Sarah Affonso on how Hollywood’s power is shaping global discourse about India and Indian people; and an in-depth Q&A with the outgoing Graduate Student Council Vice President, Marissa Rico, covering her year-and-a-half-long tenure with the Student Government Association, her Korean/Mexican heritage, her heroines and her leadership style. You’ll also find a few yummy Lebanese recipes for you to try at home.

The new publication is a community-wide effort. Contributors include students taking the Online News Practicum with Professor Hannah Westley (thank you, Professor) as well as students from across AUP who are passionate about writing and community engagement. All our contributors adhere to the ASM ethics pledge – a commitment to the fundamental principles of professional journalistic ethics, such as accuracy, fairness and impartiality, independence, and the right to reply.

You really won’t want to miss this exciting launch. Starting this Friday, April 23, you can pick up your copy on AUP’s campus. Can’t make it into school? Check out our digital copy instead. If you’re a remote student and would like a copy mailed to you, or if you have any questions about how to get involved, please email asm_freelanceataup.edu.