Students on a theater trip in Iceland.

"Dear White People" Pre-Screening

Monday, March 9, 2015 - 19:00 to 23:00

The Happiness Distribution project is coming to AUP on March 9th to do a pre-screening of the film 'Dear White People', a film directed and written by Justin Simien. Another special treat: the director will be present for the screening and there will be a short Q&A session moderated by Professor Alice Craven. The film was extremely successful at Sundance and has been well-received worldwide. The film will be released on March 25th in France so we're extremely lucky to be able to have this event at AUP. It'll take place in C102 and C103 and will start at 7:00pm with the screening beginning at 7:15 promptly. You should all attend as this is a good way to meet people in the industry as well as enjoy a good film!

Watch the trailer.