Students on a theater trip in Iceland.

London Book Fair Study Trip

Friday, March 13, 2015 - 00:00 to Thursday, April 16, 2015 - 00:00

CL 3035 Contemporary World Literature,
CL 3100 Writing Poetry: An Introduction & Workshop,
EN 4000 Advanced Creative Writing Project,
EN/CL 3000 Creative Writing: A Cross-Genre Workshop
Professor Daniel Medin

Cost: €400 (includes round-trip train transportation, shared hotel accommodations with breakfast, on-site transportation, visit & entrance fees, lectures, professor’s trip costs, and VAT)

There are few better introductions to the world of international letters than a visit to the London Book Fair. Attracting more than 25,000 visitors and 1,700 exhibitors from all over the world, the London Book Fair is without question the most important event of its kind in the anglosphere. Students explore the offerings of publishers from all over the world; attend readings by authors; and hear many of today’s premiere translators, publishers and critics in conversation at the Translation Center. The Market Focus for 2015 is Mexico, so expect to receive a crash course on the lively and robust Mexican scene, too.

Last day to register/cancel: January 25

Late cancelation fee: €400

Payment for study trips is due as soon as the trip is officially confirmed by email from the (CP Coordinator, Alexis Dang).