AUP students by the Seine.

SGA Charity Week: Timeline of Events

Monday, March 23, 2015 - 18:30 to Saturday, March 28, 2015 - 12:00

Join the SGA and the ECS (Environmental & Community Services Committee) for AUP’s annual Charity week from March 23rd to 28th. These two student bodies have come together to choose three charities that they wish to support and raise awareness about over the course of the week. La Chorba: a soup kitchen and food parcel distribution based in Paris. Afrika Tikkun: a charity that helps to build homes in South African townships. AJMJTO: an association that provides for school children on an island off the coast of Madagascar by building schools and raising the necessary funds to maintain them with running water and electricity.

Monday 23: House Building Contest for Afrika Tikkun, C102, 18:30. Enjoy pizza while you learn to build a life-sized house using only cardboard!

Tuesday 24: "Buy A Soup Warm A Heart" for la Chorba, Amex 12:30-14:00. Don't know what to get for lunch, come to the Amex for a special soup kitchen just for us. All proceeds go to La Chorba. Save your soup today here.

Thursday 26: Afrika Tikkun Fundraiser, Amex, 18:30 Join students for a bachelor/bachelorette charity auction to raise proceeds for Afrika Tikkun.

Friday 27: Pre-Marathon Social, Amex, 18:30 Meet with the AJMJTO association and join us for traditional Madagascan food, followed by live music.

Saturday 28: "7k Run in the 7th," 2 bis Passage Landrieu, 10.30 This will be the fifth edition of AUP's SGA Charity Week Marathon. We need volunteers and runners! Sign up today!