AUP students by the Seine.

SGA Charity Week: Afrika Tikkun Fundraiser in the Amex

Amex Café | 6 rue du Colonel Combes | 75007 Paris
Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 18:00

Join the SGA and the ECS (Environmental & Community Services Committee) for AUP’s annual Charity week from March 23rd to 28th. These two student bodies have come together to choose three charities that they wish to support and raise awareness about over the course of the week. One of these charities is Afrika Tikkun: an association that helps to build homes and community in South African townships. Student club AUP Cares has been fundraising for Afrika Tikkun for nearly two years now and were able to help build two homes for two different families. Learn more by watching a short video about this. A bachelor/bachelorette charity auction will be held in the Amex on Thursday March 26 and all proceeds will go to Afrika Tikkun!