AUP students by the Seine.

Working in France for non-EU Nationals webinar

This webinar is open to all current and former AUP students and alumni.
Monday, May 18, 2015 - 19:00

This session will cover issues relative to looking for a job and obtaining the appropriate visa for working in France, including:

- The different kinds of “carte de séjour” available to recent graduates and how to obtain them - What is a “changement de statut” and how does it work? - Can non-EU nationals be self-employed via the “auto-entrepreneur” or other programs? - How to apply for French citizenship? - Getting married or PACSed to a French or EU national

About the speaker:

Jean Taquet is a French jurist and an associate-honorary member of the Delaware Bar Association. He has been providing free legal services at the American Church in Paris to help students and others to adjust to the legal aspects of life in France since 2003.

This webinar is open to all current and former AUP students and alumni. Please RSVP to to obtain webinar login information.