AUP student taking a photo of the Seine during Orientation.

Talk by Jörn Müller on "Weakness of Will – A Very Short History till Peter Abelard"

Wednesday, November 25, 2015 - 15:15 to 16:45

Jörn Müller, Professor of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Ethics at Julius-Maximilians Universität, Würzburg, is well known for his monumental study of the concept of weakness of will from Socrates to Duns Scotus. He will visit AUP to discuss medieval theories of action and human responsibility with the students of PL1100 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. In this context he will give an open talk to which everyone is welcome.

He will ask why and how do we sometimes act against our better judgment although we are not forced to do it? This everyday phenomenon, which is commonly labeled “weakness of will,” has vexed philosophers from Socrates onwards. Jörn Müller will present some of the answers given by ancient and medieval philosophers before Peter Abelard and highlight the issues which are also of central importance in the theory of sinning, which the ‘Socrates of Gaul’ develops in his Ethica seu Scito te ipsum.

Contact: Jula Wildberger (