Acquiring data is much easier than gaining insight into it. Information visualization approaches - especially the interactive kind - will make the acquisition of information easier. One of the major challenges in information visualization is the "curse of dimensionality", or how to present multidimensional data in 2D space. This talk by Harri Sirtola will give an introduction to information visualization, and discuss the challenges.
Adjunct Professor of Interactive Technology at the TAUCHI Research Center, Harri's main research interest is information visualization. He has collaborated with people from various disciplines, including linguists, cardiologists, musicians, administrators, etc. – you name it, Harri probably has it!
Prof. Sirtola's visit to AUP is sponsored by the Academy of Finland in the context of the reserach project Private and Shared Gaze: Enablers, Applications, Experiences (GaSP). The project is lead by the TAUCHI Research Center in partnership with AUP and Lund University.