Students on a theater trip in Iceland.

SGA Charity Week Day 1: La Chorba "Be on the other side of the spoon"

Amex | 6 rue du Colonel Combes | 75007 Paris
Monday, April 4, 2016 - 12:00

Join the SGA for AUP’s 3rd annual Charity week from April 4 to 9. The SGA has selected several charities this year that they wish to support and raise awareness about over the course of the week. One of these charities is La Chorba: a soup kitchen and food parcel distribution based in Paris. La Chorba distributes 900 hot meals every day of the week except Thursday and they open its doors to all people in need, independently of their legal status in France, their faith or their income.

La Chorba will be coming to AUP during the SGA Charity Week to serve us their famous soup. The price that you wish to pay for your soup is up to you. So buy a soup, and be on the other side of the spoon!