AUP students by the Seine.

Study Trips

Rotterdam Film Festival study trip

Saturday, January 27, 2018 - 09:00 to Monday, January 29, 2018 - 22:00

SPRING 18: FM2076GE110 Intro to History of Narrative Film II

FM3063 Making a Documentary and Topics: Making a Documentary

FM4095 Senior Project, FM3096 Junior Seminar: Melodrama

This trip to Rotterdam with master classes and talks from film industry professionals exposes students to the many dimensions of opportunity in the film world today. This trip introduces film students (and others passionately interested in film) to the Rotterdam Film Festival, one of the most important international film festivals and film markets today. Rotterdam is known for the range of its cinema offerings, from mainstream world features to experimental and independent offerings. Students see films, meet with industry professionals as a group and participate in a master class with a filmmaker, all while enjoying a wonderful world city. Make a trip to the famous food hall/market of Rotterdam and see sights, but most of our trip will be benefitting from the networking and exposure of an international film festival, with special sessions dedicated to our student group.

Led by Prof. Marie Regan

Cost: €425 (includes round-trip train transportation, hostel accommodations with breakfast, on-site transportation, group lunch, entrance fees, professor’s trip cost, and VAT)

Last day to register/cancel: 21 January

Late cancelation fee: €425

Payment for study trips must be made no later than 29 January for the Spring 2018 semester. Any concerns in this regard should be addressed to the Cultural Program & Student Accounting Services.