AUP graduation ceremony at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.

Student Clubs

Multimedia Fundraising Gala

First floor of Combes | 6, rue du Colonel Combes 75007 Paris
Thursday, November 15, 2018 - 18:30 to 21:30

AUP is brimming with students who are passionate about their work, that it's so important as a student body that we celebrate each other's diverse skills and pieces of talent. 
That's why we're having the Multimedia Fundraising Gala! It's going to be an outstanding evening dedicated to students like you who are bursting with talent. Together, we will finally get a night to showcase that what we are made of. 

So submit your artwork, submit your stories, submit your videos! Remember, the Multimedia Fundraising Gala is a night to celebrate students. Submit your work to For submission guidelines, contact Lauren Damages

The Multimedia Fundraising Gala will consist of a silent auction on artwork and student donations through services, (photography sessions, videography sessions, photo-editing, etc.). All of the proceeds from the silent auction, ticket sales, and donations made that evening will go straight towards Northern Lights Aid.

The Multimedia Fundraising Gala is proudly brought to you by Paris Atlantic, Film Club, Hibou Magazine, AUP Creative Writing Club, and ASM.

To get your ticket, click here.



  • Deadline: November 7th 6PM
  • Students can submit in the following categories: video, spoken word, and visual arts. 
  • Only AUP students can participate in submissions
  • You are allow to submit in more than once and in multiple categories 
  • In the situation that you have 2+ submissions accepted in the same category, you must choose the submission piece that you would like to showcase. 
  • The following can be updated and added to, if need be: 
  • No gratuitous sexual images or language. Sexual topics are allowed, but no pornography or erotica. 
  • No work that features/promotes hate crime 
  • No work that puts anyone's well-being at risk, especially an AUP student
  • Please send to 
  • If you have multiple submissions in the same category, they can be sent in the same email. 
  • If you have multiple submissions in different categories, please send separate emails for each category
  • In the subject, please include: Multimedia Submission: [Category] - First and Last Name . Example: Multimedia Submission: Video - John Doe 
  • In the body, please include a title and short description of the piece

  • Each submission is limited to 5 minutes long
  • Can include, but not limited to:  
    • film
    • digital videos 
    • journalistic videos
    • narrative short films
  • Submit via Google drive and send a link/share with

Visual Arts 
  • Can include, but not limited to: 
    • photograph or photography series
    • painting 
    • drawing 
    • sculpture 
    • fashion piece
    • architecture blueprints or 3D model
  • Submit to 

If your piece of work is 3D in any form, please take a photo of it and send as an attachment


Spoken Word
  • Each submission is limited to 5 minutes long when spoken out loud 
  • If you are submitting, please make sure you are available the night of the event to read your work out loud
  • Can include, but not limited to: 
    • screenplay readings
    • short story 
    • academic journalistic piece 
    • journalistic piece 
    • opinion 
  • Submit to 

Please send as Word document attachment

If you have questions, please email Lauren Domagas at 

Get your tickets here.