Students on a theater trip in Iceland.

Fall 2022 Cultural Program Study Trip

London and Canterbury Medieval to Modern Study Trip

Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 08:00 to Sunday, October 16, 2022 - 20:00

CL1025 The World, The Text, The Critic
CL3023 Medieval Culture: Margery Kempe and Geoffrey Chaucer
AR3090 Junior Seminar

Join this study trip that highlights the importance of medieval British literature, art, and
architecture for the development of modern and contemporary British culture. Visit
Canterbury, the destination of Geoffrey Chaucer’s 14th century pilgrims, and explore
its rich heritage. The following day, engage in on-sight lectures about the 19th and
20th century Neo-Gothic edifices and monuments that grace London, and discover
the immense influence of the medieval world on a city that served as a model for
countless other cities. Visits to the Victoria and Albert Museum, Tate Museum, and the
British Library (where the works of the Pre-Raphaelites, William Blake and his followers,
The Ancients, and the manuscripts of Augustus Pugin permit all to see how Britain’s
“antiquated past” was fundamental for the Romantic and Gothic Revival movements that
still inspire us in our post-modern age.


Led by Professors Elizabeth Kinne & Jonathan Shimony
Trip cost: 950€
(includes round-trip train transportation, hotel accommodations with breakfast, on-site transportation,
entrance fees, guided visits, professors’ trip costs, and VAT)

Last day to register/cancel: September 11 • Late cancelation fee: 950€
Payment for study trips must be made no later than September 23 for the Fall 2022 semester.
Any concerns in this regard should be addressed to the Cultural Program & Student Accounting Services.